
cnn ven squeamish ! Z

The truth of ! , relationresultOh ,yes ... ... That I know ! I love immediately forced nodded his head, which he is no doubt a person ,revive ,this would have been considered a very sacred thing ,therefore missing portion of memory that is also behoove ,they and the two together in a life of more than a decade, between each other not for outsiders know little secret to a more casual ,find out some verify that ,even if is the daughter of partial memory loss ,but most still ,it was his twin daughters !relationresultErasegirls chest that clusters of disgusting things ,see above still left a large group of stains ,love was suddenly frowned .
.. ... Bad ,there is no water ,or I should take the advantage of a daughter barely awake ,put her body stains clean ,otherwise ... ... Emily is in a bit of a neat freak ,if she is her own body was so dirty ,she must be in the heart some shadow ! , relationresultShe even squeamish ! Zhou Ziwei Wenyan nodded his head ,which he is but to ignore ,in the newly independent soul to soul personality characteristics at the time ,did not leave obsessive characteristics .
But this does not matter ... ... People change ,especially Emily this already died once people ,both in her students what kind of personality change ,it is the common matter, Zhou Ziwei will not fear because of this and show .
relationresultAlthough Zhou Ziweiknew this young girl does not have a neat freak ,but still very fit nods,google, say : I will help her wash the body ... ... , relationresultYou can ! I love immediately stare up a pair of bovine ,ferocious stare at Zhou Ziwei ,and then stepped forward to catch Zhou Ziwei still caught in adolescent girls chest hands ,saying: treatment should have been finished ?Is it right? Now only waiting for my daughter to wake up ?You still don hurry down to do ,my daughter to wipe the oil ? , relationresultZhou Ziweiexpressed some did say: Hello ,I am in the treatment of your daughter ,let her revive ah ,how do i .
.. ... How to become a mooch ? , relationresultLovegnash the teeth in anger and said: but you are as in the wipe my daughter oil ,and you still have to give my daughter take a shower ,it like to take advantage of ,what is ? R , relationresultCity King 604th chapter wash more health , relationresultSeelove a gnash the teeth in anger hate not to attack to bite his two appearance, peripheral Wuwei then see myself now riding on the girl belly ,two tactics to catch a girl chest white Shuangfeng style ,cnn.
This ... ... Still feel very insignificant !relationresultAlthough Zhou Ziweinow look is this innocent children ,but the love but know for certain that Zhou Ziwei will be five or six years old child ,is absolutely innocent ,and the words don the top .
So love will hear Zhou Ziwei give the girl a wash the body, mood became so excited .relationresultWeeksbefore some embarrassing Hey who lived on a smile ,then turn the girls jumped down ,clapped his hands .
Put the hands with some sticky mince blood Mi toward the ground shook then said with a wry smile : ,it is disgusting man ,uh ... ... Not only your daughter needs washing ,I have a wash !It was too hard .
.. ... , .relationresultLoveas he suddenly fly into a rage ,staring eyes ,shouted : what ,you ... ... You and my daughter to wash bath !You ... ... You .Be careful I takes you directly to the kid to castrate .
relationresultZhou Ziwei is veryhelpless turned up her eyes ,said : when I say to your daughter to wash bath ?If we really want to wash ,as well as your old man not before when washing !Well, you don stare at me, not willing to let me help you wash my daughter even, is really a good wash .
This ... ... But the body cut flesh ,stick too disgusting !Ha-ha. , wash more health !... ... , relationresultZhou Ziwei saidin the immediate release of a large amount of water power to immediately gets in to his body week .
The water energy and although real water are not the same ,but as long as the only water energy ,we can immediately fast adsorption to the air free water .So just a few seconds later ,Zhou Ziwei began to play around in layers of heavy water .
But after a moment later, the water fog is condensed .Soon becomes drops of water .But the countless stars such as small droplets together after each other .On the formation of a water flow .
relationresultItis also thanks to here is a mountainous area .The mountains contain moisture ,air moisture naturally more sufficient ,otherwise Zhou Ziwei water energy even the very adequate but no way no students ,Facebook,just change water .
This put Zhou Ziwei into the hot desert .Zhou Ziwei uses the water energy while also from air adsorption to a bit of water .But I toss one hour ,also may not can from the air collected by even a small water out .
relationresultHere.But for a moment .Adsorption and moisture in the Zhou Ziwei side formed a like pythons a water brings .relationresultLook atthe hose is like having your life tap around Zhou Ziwei.
It is flying up and down will not fall to the ground up, straight to a love beside made a terrified although knew that Zhou Ziwei is not an ordinary person not even ordinary Lingwu ,but did not expect this boy would be amazing to so the point .
relationresultWhat this means?Alternative title the skills but not the !But the warrior ... ... , let alone ,it is completely impossible !But this impossible thing right in front of him helplessly was born, and where he did not believe he .
But he obviously felt the band full of a powerful but mysterious energy ,proved that a hose is not an ordinary water clearly is a readily can be deadly to kill for !This energy that love is feeling very strange ,this and the Lingwu owner aura is different ,of course and the warrior more involved ,the .
.. ... What is this ?relationresultZhou Ziweiis too lazy to ignore the love reaction ,to feel the water condensed almost .Then the high roll up the sleeves ... ... Of course ,this action is in fact do give love to see . Related articles:

