
beats by dre uk e to status of a ge

Chapter 337 recognizes to kiss
Now that Liu Yu all said so, that is fresher than to assist nature to also have no objection, right away would was to give° Liu Yu's order to keep on informing.Lightly ride to those black Huans that ride a horse, it is to have no where is the difference to rest endlessly an interest to pour, can those lean against two leg and somebody elses all the way, four legs compare of You state infantry to say, this order absolutely just like at the sound of sounds of nature!
Right away, an encampment of synopsis would is the quilt officers and mens breeze breeze fire fire of set up on the plain.The position that tooks a look this encampment the place in a side, the Yan is soft that the not very good felling is again to flow out to come up, turned head to say to the farm land:"Our right here sets up a camp, will can't too careless?"
Although the farm land isn't good at a soldier duty,listens to the Yan is soft so on saying, see circumferential environment again, signed a horse to would be to understand Yan soft meaning.Set up a camp in the place of this plain, arrived at the mid-night, suffer an enemy to inherit too easily, especially the enemy is very likely to be the black Huan person who excels to ride a soldier.Farm land not from must say with smile:"Yan adult!You worried too much!Anotherly don't say, the black Huan person will never dare to begin to the adult!This, I have confidence very much!"
"E!"The Yan is also soft to certainly understand the meaning of farm land, Liu Yu is that the You state is unique to the person of black Huans assertion good intentionses, if Liu Yu Chu what surprised, the black Huan person is in the You state in the future the mortal blow that can wait male Sun Zan!Don't know why, the Yan is soft be feel where have a problem, be don't know how to say it, just finally can be to shake and forget about it.
But fact prove, at least this night, the Yan softly worries to is to have no necessity, Liu Yu's destrier Anne was safe to steadily lead for a night, there is no affair of occurrence.The second day gets up, lookinging at a crest two Yans that black eyes come out is soft, farm land not from must burst out laughing, luckily he still has regard for the faces of he this old friend, didn't smile too loudly, however only see farm land that try very hard to and endure and smile idea earth's surface feeling, the Yan is soft and then has a kind of impulse that wants and digs a pit drill into!
After rest for an evening, Liu Yu's spirit is also well a lot of, keep on ordering, let the under charge start tidying up, continue toward the east make track for pass by.Since have already caught up with here, that also has no reason to do things by halves.
Just finished tidying up, time was just preparing to re- set out, suddenly, was responsible for to get You state infantry generally of will get together a week to suddenly point at a south to drink a way:"Adult!You see!There come to a person's horse!"
"H'm?"Listen to together a shouting of week a voice,beats by dre uk, just at and Liu Yu, who is fresher than to assist to talk, is to become overdo, indeed as expected, the end in south, a dark shadow positive party in government write here depended to come over.Although the distance is still very far,the distance cans see come out, that troops soldier the orderliness is obviously to once accept strict military training, isn't those military discipline the lax black Huan person can compare!
However the Yan is soft this time is didn't make a fuss over minor things, anotherly don't say, that troops look, however just more than 200 person, this person, impossibly result in to Liu Yu what threat.But Liu Yu saw one eye, that positive party in government wear here and rush through and come over of troops, eyebrows not from get a wrinkly, here be apart from fishing sun already have certain distance, from where of such a regular army?Right away, Liu Yu would is to align a week to say:"You take a group of personses up to inquire the purpose of the other party, don't easily since the conflict!"
"Re!"Together week although the ability calculates not ascend very strong, but is a very cool-headed person, also positive as it does, Liu Yu would hand over to this matter together a week to do, also not is let temperament excite of is fresher than to assist to do.Get Liu Yu's order together the week signed a horse to would be a point together more than 200 person, directly is facing that troops and horses to rush through.And Liu Yu also have no carefree, but let is fresher than to assist to direct the remaining of the troops and horses set out to like defense line, just in case.
Is very quick, together week then and that troops and horses got in touch with and far and far hoped to go, together week and that troops and horses' seeming don't conflict and led a short moment, together the week woulds be overdo, take that troops and horses toward this place rushed through to come over.Is very quick, these two troops and horseses would are the soldier of arriving at Liu Yu front, together the week towardsed to after death put to put a hand and would was path to keep arriving at soldier before, toward Liu Yu to embrace a boxing to drink a way:"Adult!They are the troops and horseses that rushed through from the plain!"
"Plain?"Liu Yu's eyebrows not from get a wrinkly, that not is hope a county county of state?Hope state now is under the administering of Yuan Shao, are these people what Yuan Shao sends to comes again?At the thought of Yuan a few parties persons come to seek their own intentions before the Shao, Liu Yu's in the mind a bit fidgety.But fidgety return fidgety, develop for several years of bringing up and still letting Liu Yu temporary inhibitted the fickleness in the heart and sank a voice to drink a way:"Since hope a cantonal troops and horses, why will appear inshore in the You state?"
Liu Yu this words drink, together week but is to don't answer, because he knows, Liu Yu of this asks words and isn't asking him, but is ask the troops and horses that rushed through from the plain.But at this time, in shape etc., noodles such as white the middle age of the jade will get to walk out and only see his every act and move, have an extraordinary vehemence, let people have already grown difficult to express of become intimate with feeling, but the most arresting of, is that he is that double of specially big ears, the lower ear lobe absolutely could hang in the shoulder.Sees this middle age to get to slowly walk to soldier before, but is to know very much mutually, have never walked more before going toward again one step, toward Liu Yu direction arch once the hand do obeisance, the clear voice says:"At under the plain County make Liu Bei!Pay respects to make a gentleman!"
The generosity of spirit that Liu has is extraordinary, present public all produced good will to him at momentary, even Liu Yu is no exception, especially like person of this generosity of spirit is unexpectedly just a county to only make and make Liu Yu even feeling surprised.Liu Yu right away woulds be a full face to curiously looking at Liu Bei and asks a way:"You since is a plain County to make, should be hoping the state plain County, why will take these people's horses to arrive at You state?"
For Liu Yu's question, Liu Bei's cordial but independent, smile an answer way:"Report back to make a gentleman!BE descending although make for plain County, but is the You state Zhuo county person's surname, this time is exactly desire to go home to visit family!Only because hope the state sting history Yuan the adult suppresses bandits between the river, fully didn't avoid inconvenience, so would make a detour, the desire goes to Zhuo county from the fishing sun, but has never wanted to again meet to make a gentleman!"
"So that's why!"Liu Yu listens to Liu Bei answer thus, especially experience Liu has of poise, there is then no doubt, ordered to nod, sudden Liu Yu was to think of what, stare at Liu Bei, suddenly ask a way:"To!Are you Liu Bei?But backed Huang Jin Ze's Liu Bei in those early years?"Liu Bei's reputation in nowadays is originally little, plus in history, the tiger prison closes three Englishes war Lyu Bu's merit again drive Luo sun to rob to, so Liu Bei is unique now can take of make moves of, perhaps also only quelled the disorderly eminent contribution of yellow towel in those early years.
Previous Liu Yu didn't think of this matter, after all at that time disorderly Huang Jin of time, Liu Yu wasn't in the You state, after also because various relations didn't fully meet with noodles with Liu.However afterwards Liu Yu after taking up the of the You state sting history once saw several times have concerning Liu from the then office file as well of name, just have never remembered in the beginning come just.
Listen to Liu Yu bring up he or she the merit in those early years, Liu had of face top but have no what change too greatly, still keep being that vice- cool shape, toward once Liu Yu Gong's hand do obeisance and say:"Return to make a gentleman!Is exactly Liu Bei!"
"Ha ha!"Liu Yu right away woulds be to let the anterior soldier spread to, smile to arrive to the in front that Liu has, say:"Is a hero!Adult Liu need not be getting more over-courteous!"Say, would was to fully do a signal for pleasing to Liu, obviously want to ask Liu to have a soldier to have a chat.
"Xie Shi Jun!"Liu fully pours also Don't mention it, the subordinate towarding after death did a signal, then the path keeps following Liu Yu together went toward the You state soldier soldier to walk in to.The original You state soldier has already wanted to set out, it is thus clear that arrive Liu Yu to suddenly come to fascination, those subordinate the nature don't dare to come to press as well, on the contrary the having a close soldier immediately sets out a simple tent for Liu Yu and provides Liu Yu and Liu to fully stop for a rest.
"Adult Liu has a great achievement at the nation, why the day just get an only up to now the county makes of job?"If Liu Yu sees be passed to merit of Liu Bei those early years from the previous data, anotherly don't say, only he raise a righteousness soldier, solution Zhuo county rounds, this time merit impending, really need to assess merits and give rewards, absolutely can't just a very small county makes!
See Liu Yu start to ask, Liu Bei is then light to smile to smile, said some kind of careers in that day 1 time, finally make reference to oneself to take part in the wartime of begging for Tung, the self-ridicule ground says with smile:"Waste my Liu Xuan De in normal times after think clan relatives, conceited, can experience beg for post-war Tung, just understand there is sky outside the sky, person outside someone's truth!World hero what it many Yis!"
"E!Etc.!"Liu Yu but is one Leng suddenly, some surprisingly hope toward Liu Bei, ask a way:"The words that listen to adult Liu, might it not be adult Liu is a man room clan relatives?"
Liu Bei right away woulds be arch hand to falsely do obeisance and say toward the east:"Is ashamed!At under is indeed a man room clan relatives!Have is medium mountain Jing king after, filial piety view emperor you great-great-grandson!Just have although empty have man room clan relatives' identity, person arrive middle age, is a matter to haven't results to show, is really a Kui to the forbears!"Say, Liu has of the canthus is gradually a bit moist, also exert on the face is a sorry and ashamed color.
Liu Yu was more and more astonished, right away would was to shout a way:"Oh!The Xuan is virtuous!You is a man room clan relatives, why late say!You I after aming all a man room should look after mutually be!"Say, Liu Yu woulds be a beginning to fully start to talk about religious sect with Liu and comes up to say from the status of a generation, Liu Yu wants to fully grow one generation than Liu.Though Liu Bei also is hower old than Liu Yu Xiao, this age, to status of a generation is pretty much think greatly of, so Liu fully signed a horse to would be to go to kowtow to Liu Yu of gift, recognize Liu Yu as uncle.
Liu Yu pours to also have no therefore and give greatly, hurriedly had Liu to hand and said with smile:"Xuan virtuous Mo Yao is getting sucher!You although I am uncle's niece,the age differs not and greatly, also need not disputed a gift to count too much!"
"Is how could such!"Liu Bei but is stubbornly to once Liu Yu Gong's body do obeisance and say:"Is a man room after, should be the world person's example!The this gift number can not discard!Uncle Huang doesn't decline!"Liu Bei directly woulds be change the form of address to Liu Yu, just so a shout, but is ratio just that voice made gentleman want become intimate with many, Liu Yu advised solve several times, is also simply forget about it.
This book head delivers.
Your message which afraid just a (*__*), will become the power that the author creates, the pleasing is hard more power to you for author!
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