
cheap beats by dre Liu Jing Xiao and D

Dint under, the whole brigade form moves not get, became to guard living of soldier Ba.
In this circumstance, guard a soldier to there are works covering, the injury suffering from is small many, but the E soldier almost be massacred, the whole brigade form has never presented to serve as what the son ,cheap beats by dre, once someone falls flop and immediately has the soldier of behind to make up deficiencies his position and guards a soldier to even need not to take aim at, shoot of each hair bullet find out the marriage in his predestination.
And the only location that may start to mount sudden attack is also the road that in the center stays to make discrepancy, this road is 56 meter wide around, but misery of BE, elsewhere in guard soldier battlefield exact center heart, what to face is the most intensive thermodynamic power.
Pound at of 20 teacher troopses also exertion rise endless courage, from military officer self-moving organization, concentrate troops from middle of the road hurtled to come up and died the life offended to come up.
This can be treated as 1 dead azoic pound at, although courage and morale of E soldier completely can with worth big book especially book, only an opportunity they just hurtle to before, soon be with ease beaten to go out, but by this time, Liu Jing Xiao at the right moment take to receive two mountainous country howitzers of settling the country and increased the infantry troops aiding to arrive to battlefield.
But by this time, the infantry of 20 teachers is also super level exertion, constitute a generous degree of positive 4 people tremendous column of troops, carried bayonet to bellow to hurtle to come up time and time again, but guarding of front side the soldier is Han Xin Hai's most basic troops first regiment first camp, or say that the background of this camp is the Mu in those early years to permit snow sea a third camp.
This camp is the old soldier who is all long through 100 wars, pack to play gunning by quickest speed, the soldier hair of Liu Jing Xiao plays if the prestige flown is to falsely spread, two mountainous country howitzers of behind directly aim at enemy's soldier to bombard and receive settle the country still dislike not enough, connect the voice shout a way:"Double the snow pellets of plays!Is quick!Is quick!Is quick!"
The infantries also in the part call way:"Double the snow pellets of plays!Double the snow pellets of plays!"Arrive the whole battlefields to all shout loudly a way afterwards:"Double the snow pellets of plays!"
In this circumstance, two mountainous country howitzers pack a double of the snow pellets play then throw into the brigade form of enemy's soldier and support in numerous roarses of rifles under, once and with a run across the impact dozen of enemy's soldier, but withdraw in defeat to descend of E soldier soon again gathered to re- hurtle to come up, even have a few Tus going into battlefield, both parties took place hand to hand fight, but these impacts are always all futile.
Till the last, on this road can be treated as that the horizontal corpse time is wild, infantry of 20 teachers can trample a corpse blunt come up, but this end of the road spreads densely to play rain everywhere, soldier of brave root have no crowded at the matter, end even valiant 20 teacher government troopses all can keep on backing.
"Often the Du village arouses a war", Han Xin Hai always doesn't forget to bring up after this that day of satisfied service, the government troops of 20th teacher equally can not forget as well, this is how of sacrifice, Liu Jing Xiao even says:"I have never seen there are so many corpses in the so narrow and small battlefield".
In fact in 17 teachers of before, that is dyed red snow ground by the blood, almost a corpse to press a corpse, also have the minority survival wounded soldier on the brink of death shout in the pain, Liu Jing Xiao cautiously after observing this situation, not from say to Han Xin Hai:"I really rejoiced, didn't take the wife to the front line!"
But to E soldier, this situation is really too embarrassed, post-war comprehensive both parties' file, on this day both parties are in dead and injured on the battlefield about is 700 to the proportion of 3,400 people, but often the combat of Du village is to take absolute, Han Xin Hai only pays 300 people die or injure of price, even if an a trip of trip and soldier in Henan of 20 teachers lost fighting strength and paid livelong Chan of 2,300 people of to weigh price, even if is in these 2,300 people, the E soldier robs back of wound member however 400 of number.
In addition to the Chan weighs of loss, losing of still have the morale of E soldier, under this kind of destructive stroke, any troopses can not keep on propping up, therefore often the combat of Du village, the whole afternoons have never taken place to fight.
Just 17 teachers also pay loss that the Chan weighs, Liu Jing Xiao even breaks into a furious rage, his elephant the great anger lion is similar loudly call way:"No matter spend what price, all think the way to the chief of D and save for me and return to!To, Dr. Chen, D chief how?"
If is to don't know the person of inside story, all allow to think that Liu Jing Xiao rather has an irregular idea to the D, however Chen Xiu Ting pours is clear Liu Jing Xiao and D rather basic nothing important, perhaps is still that Liu Jing Xiao intentionally perform to win hearts by illegitimate mean, therefore she icily says:"Do not you know that she suffered from multiple wound?Also willing to give up make a female kid be subjected to so big offense ……"
Liu Jing Xiao is foolish at first, the wood Rui ground said:"I am sorry ……true I am sorry!"
He seems to think of now, his hand inside of best ride a soldier love will, incredibly is a female.

Chapter 21 is surprised sky of to change

However refusing to budge of battlefield, don't represent both parties' performance not fascinating, third party especially dance, this performance is also fascinatingly incomparable.
Yang Lin Yi is to have much of the man of magic power, or say to have so-called"the spirit of great king", early years when Xian works hard, often have very charming rich spoilt daughter of a rich family to have a liking for the man who works hard everywhere, then send a wench to invite Yang Lin Yi.
This meets, the young ladies all have his face raddens all over, it is a Ya wreath to pour to be all not afraid of to living at 1:00, pull Qiao mutually male point at a young lady tiny convex of the belly ask a way:"Be this kid's father how?"
And Yang Lin Yi is truely the person that an understands a matter reason, Chen Shu Liang laid siege to Yang Bu in those early years very hasty, but Guo Er the pock-markses are in a side sit on the sideline ignore, spirit Yang Lin Yi gave Guo Er the pock-markses to write a message, the beginning of that letter said like this:"Chen Ze beats me, your thief ignores."
Keeping on connecting is more wonderful, "my thief doom, your thief isn't far!"Do not see an everyone's mouth inside you call justice I call the democracy is all physically the big thief of a group of in broad daylights, although the words is Jing words,truely is a needle to see blood, therefore Guo Er's pock-markseses after connecting letter immediately sent army to help to beat off Chen Shu Liang.
So the person who so has the spirit of great king and understands a matter reason, now is some kind of fascinating performances, he arrived an orchid to seal and then continue to open into, a heart stood to sit mountain view tiger Dou over there, and the public reason is "the army supplies have no, the troops is exhausted ……"
Is very not easy the soldier delivering money and delivering supplies, thinking this brigade Xia coaxs up the battlefield, by this time E soldier fore the line ate the news losting battle to spread to come over, Yang Shi immediately stopped down again.
There but is as very much in love as Liu Jing Xiao's person, repeatedly 1:"Teacher ……"
Certainly, knife in Xia guest vegetable come agile and fierce and matchless, Yang Lin hopes to clap chest to promise a way:"Trust!I tomorrow promise that arriving to return is virtuous, tidies up Liu Jing Xiao cleanly ……"
Waited until that room and say:"The Sir of the elegance …… you please trust to would be ……"
Originally Wu Xue of this world is different in approach but equally good wonderful, close medium limitless knife and Wu Dang's Taichi and E Mei disorderly cape sword the method is similar, do deep place, that be with soft gram of the truth just.
Teacher so on making, Li Du became nervous fire.
Is different from teacher's"the spirit of great king", the Du soldier of Li Fu Li is also the generation Ba with"the spirit of Ba", the character magic power is it may be said feeling sky to move ground.
Li Fu is from is that decline scholar, the abjection arrived extreme limit, also can tore face to climb mountain to do a trip will, Li Tang will just the village head was three, hadn't wanted to go to so much which eldest brother just to get along, came right away one in front big brigade Zhao bandit.
Li Fu just wanted to come forward to clap Ma Pi, also liked a debt bottom at somebody else to mix a bowl to eat for rice, had never thought opposite bandit a meet passionately spoke favorably himself/herself:"Is the gauge uncommon, dare to ask where person's surname?"
On hearing to is a far near famous dilapidated scholar Li Fu, these bandits are also enthusiasm pole, everyone's son pulls a set almost, repeatedly great Li Fu Gou's sense of honor act like a friend, is a far near famous match Meng to taste ……
Your lo, has the spirit of Ba is different, last a connect voice to say for younger brother:"Eldest brother Lee is astute and courageous, we admire already a long time, ask eldest brother Lee to sit head hand over chair ……"
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