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 Zhang Ju Ya just at the national affairs day with rush favour and connect the old father civilization that 19 year-ends must meet to die after the ground in day, he can not be in mourning to guard to make.Ten thousand Li nine years(1581), 57-year-old reside just, finally the weariness from overwork falls sick.
Ten thousand Li 10-year June 20, reside to die of illness, abandonned him always don't put for 16 years of power, emperor with all sincerity hugged to cut in a decade, withdrew hand human world.Is clay-cold, the absolute being believes in for of Chuo dynasty, present a pillar country, Yi"text loyalty".He takes lifetime ambition to cover up the graveyard of going into river Ling, can he where know, oneself the contribution that work hard in spite of criticism for the country from cradle to the grave, it is a household descendant to change to come unexpectedly of big difficult.
Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De's everything reforms already at the farsighted benefits of landlord rank, as a result have to injure the benefits of some bureaucrats, the earth lord in some aspects.He by himself in the policy and use person up also exist some mistakes, he is clay-cold, some people started without restraint of revenge and attack.But does the absolute being believe in?Occupy is reigning, he isn't always it is a teacher?That is to proceed from a demand with helpless.He already Geng Geng in reside the Wei of positive earthquake lord.Reside a proper country decade, the power of Lan, is the big power that the absolute being believes in, this is the demand that resides a positive effect country, but his in power would be absolute being to believe in of lose.On the power, reside to just become standing opposite noodles with absolute being religion.Reside just loyal to national affairs, only hold big power, the in the mind believing in in the absolute being woulds be a kind of disregard a lord up of performance.This is the Caesarean logic!Reside just since die, the absolute being believes in the have been already become adult of with seek pleasant and labor after wealth a backlog for disposition of young emperor, start looking for a kind of revenge of pleased.
Zhang Ju Ya just the fourth day after passing away, imperial censor thunder private wait seven famous saying the officer impeach Pan Cheng, the absolute being believes in a life Pan is to serving.Pan Cheng is just residing while was living the Jian, his came off stage and marked clearly Zhang Ju Ya be falling into disfavor.
Talk soon temple pike head direction Zhang Ju Ya is just.The absolute being believes in hence issue order to copy to reside a positive house, and pare to the utmost it temple Zhi, force Duo while was living Xi book, four Gao lives granted, showed world by articles, also almost engrave coffin Lu corpse.His what family members starved starves, suicide commit suicide, banish of banish, flee from home of abscondence, generation can mutually of the house Jing come to thus lamentable end.
Person Wu but government interest, occupy is reigning a group of officials used have of pare a job, have of leave city.And the imperial government also resume the irregularity cluster of past rare old view one by one the government of.The whole absolute being believes in one dynasty,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, no one dares to call for justice for residing just.
However country Shuai but think good minister.Until apocalypse two years(1622), the Xi believes in for encourage liege man, just think of just, in former days big hero, Zhang Ju Ya, replies an officer to reply Yin.However the whole accompany already late Yi!
Clear Mu at the time that religion reigned, private, Zhang Ju Ya, of the university just because just can be outstanding, get the trust of Mu religion.1572 A.D.,
The Mu believes in dying, prince, Zhu Yi Jun, ascends the throne, is clear absolute being to believe in.Mu Zong Yi Ming, Zhang Ju Ya, is waiting three big ministers to assist a government.
The clear absolute being religion ascends the throne behind soon, Zhang Ju Ya is becoming a head to assist.Zhang Ju Ya just believes in according to the Mu of entrust, really be like teacher's teaching to living a
Kind guides just 10-year-old clear absolute being of year to believe in.He wove one to have the diagram the historical story book with a text and was called 《the emperor Jian Tu says 》 , everyday
Explain in detail for absolute being religion.The absolute being religion sees this book very happy and full of beansly listens to Zhang Ju Ya being explaining in detail.Once, Zhang Ju Ya was finishing speaking written Chinese
The emperor cheers troops in the slender willows of story, say:"The his majesty should notice Wu Bei.The peace day grew now, Wu Bei was more and more flabby,
Must notice in time!"
The clear absolute being religion hurriedly nods to call BE.
Again once, Zhang Ju Ya was finishing speaking Sung Ren religion story that didn't like to decorate with the bead jade.The clear absolute being believes in and then says:"To ah, is a gentleman king
Of should regard as the baby to the wise minister, the bead jade has what use?"
If Zhang Ju Ya being seeing a 10-year-old kid can speak such and say very happily:"Wise monarch value food, despise bead
Jade.Because the common people depend a food life, bead jade this thing is hungry to allay one's hunger, cold can not provide against cold."
Zhang Ju Ya just teaches to the absolute being religion very strictly, the absolute being believes in and makes the strict teacher to proper Zhang Ju Ya and treats and respect, and fears.Plus again too
Empress and eunuch protect of support, the domestic affairs important event is almost and all been making the decision by Zhang Ju Ya.
Zhang Ju Ya is exactly an able politician of Ming Dynasty, he after controling solid power, the long-handled sword Kuo ax ground is in the military, politics, through
Helped several aspects to really make some kind of restructure.
That time, although the Japanese invaders of coast has been already solved,the tartar nobility of north still often invades hinterland and become a clear dynasty
Of threaten very greatly.Zhang Ju Ya is making the anti- Wo famous general Qi adjusting the north after the light, garrison thistle state(now the north of Hebei), the Qi is from the mountain after the light
Maritime customs to resided to construct more than 3,000 forts in the Great Wall of Yong pass.Bugle in the Qi house makes strict clear, the weapon is excellent, defeat tartar for many times
Take the offensive.The tartar leader An answers to mean to be friendly and requests to trade.Zhang Ju Ya is moving a Ming Dynasty court, seal An to answer for the agreeable righteousness king, one noodles and
The tartar trades contacts, one noodles trains soldiers a Tun farmland in the frontier and strengthens to take precautions against.Hereafter 2310-year Ming Dynasties and of tartar long-term have no
War happen.The life of northern each clan people also stabilizes many.
At that time, yellow river the year was long bad repair, river water usually overflowed, and large numbers of farmlands were flooded, influenced agriculture and conveyance.Zhang Ju Ya is particularly appointing
Pan's quarter that cures water conservancy tames Du to fix yellow river marine hydraulic engineering.Pan's quarter tames to construct dike and blocks to overflow and make yellow river deluge no longer, conveyance
Chang, the agriculture production gets instauration and development.
Originally, corrupt because of domestic affairs, the earth lord annexs a land and evade revenue from tax, some Haos doughtily lord more and more rich, but the national treasury is more
Coming is more poor.Zhang Ju Ya is issuing order to measure land through checking, checked a drive emperor close country Qi and Hao doughtily the land of lord mental reservation,
In this way, make some Haos doughtily the lord is repressed, nation of the income also increased.
After measuring land, Zhang Ju Ya was again getting up at that time farm tax and excise tax and hard labor merger of various title, equivalent to a silver two collect, call
For"a whip method".After this kind of revenue from tax reform, prevent°fromed some jobberies of officialdoms, increase nation of income, also
How much ease some burden of farmer.
Zhang Ju Ya is hard spending a decade, carried on the reform of brave, made very corrupt Ming Dynasty politics include a turning point.The food of nation
The Cang saves a food ample, enough defray expenses a decade.But these reform violated the benefits of some aristocracy of wealths naturally.Their surface doesn't get
Disobedience, the back ground inside is hating to the bone to Zhang Ju Ya.
At Zhang Ju Ya just and rulingly the fifth year, his aged father dies at old house in river Ling, according to the gift method of feudalism, he has to leave office
Observe mourning for three years.But Zhang Ju Ya is fearing once he leave, under way of the reform is subjected to influence.Believe in in the clear absolute being and requesting some big ministers to stay of
Next, he makes his son rush a funeral, oneself stays in the capital city to work.In this way, many people's holding tight the father dead of Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De doesn't rush to lose
The matter greatly does an article and believes in book impeachment to the clear absolute being in succession, someone even in the avenue Jie stick to tell a white attack just, Zhang Ju Ya makes full city breeze
Rain.Afterwards, the clear absolute being believes in to issue order, again objection Zhang Ju Ya is all continuing in office to sentence to death, the attack just quells down.
Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De's power concentrated really too, the clear absolute being believed in to gradually grow up, on the contrary carefree must have no matter stem, have a closely and too
Jian at inside the temple is used various way to have fun for him.Once, the absolute being religion got drunk wine and without cause beat two small eunuches half dead.
This matter lets the queen mother know and seeks clear absolute being religion right away and ruthlessly blames and return to call or so take 《man the book·The Huo only spreads 》
Call absolute being Zong Du.Is western man's Huo simply assisting the time of government not is have a Chang Yi be Wang Liu He only discarded an emperor by queen mother and Huo after ascending the throne?
Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De's position in nowadays is like the Huo light in those early years, the absolute being religion thoughts of here and frightens all over to cringe and kneel in front of queen mother to beg
Afterwards, Zhang Ju Ya is making the decision, kicks out all of some eunuches that lure absolute being to believe in monkey business, the queen mother still lets Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De generation the absolute being religion draft
Offense F Zhao.(the emperor blames his/her own imperial enactment)Although this matter passed by,the clear absolute being believes in to Zhang Ju Ya just, already from fear
Develop a bosom to hate.
1582 A.D., Zhang Ju Ya is just ill.Clear absolute being clan relatives from govern.Originally to the big minister of Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De disaffection in succession attack piece
Residing is just arbitrary and domineering.The clear absolute being believes in to unexpectedly withdraw all of Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De's officer Jues the second year Related articles:

